Saturday, February 1, 2020

REPOST: SARS Spread out by Rats in Hongkong

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             From a friend at settings for friends only: "I was in grad school when the SARS virus broke out and was lucky to attend a class by the epidemiologist (from HK) who solved the case of the epidemic rise of cases. He puzzled over the speed with which it was spreading and theorized it couldn't possibly be just thru human to human contact. People couldn't incubate the virus that quickly and spread it to others.

            Thru good ol fashioned epidemiological investigation, he found the clusters of patients lived in high rise condo buildings. And when he went there for ocular inspections, this is what he found: Laundry lines that criss crossed buildings for people to hang their clothes. These clotheslines formed an intricate highway system for rats to travel from one place to another. As it turns out, it was rats who traversed on the clotheslines and brought the virus from one building to another, leaving droppings that made people sick. This accelerated the spread beyond the human to human contact.
            So maybe apart from cleaning your hands, avoiding facial contact and wearing masks, we should be careful of rat droppings in our homes. Hambilis kasi masyado ang pagkalat. Malamang, hindi lang ito pantao. I'm hoping our public health officials will be given all the resources they need to find evidence for what the real vectors of disease are.
- from Aimee Santos-Lyons"

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